Thought Leadership Articles

    Why Change Management is a Good Thing

    Oct 3, 2016 | Posted by Belinda Yeo

    As an economy enters a recession or emerges from one, many organisations face the constant challenge of not investing enough in developing their people at all levels. In large and geographically dispersed organisations, developing dispersed change leadership capabilities is key in order to foster growth and remain competitive in a VUCA world.

    Read why Gloria Chin (HR Director of National Environment Agency, Singapore) believes that Change is a good thing especially in a demanding environment. Learn more here 


    Change is a process

    Organization Change and transformation are often facilitated with the deliberate intent of encouraging individuals to let go of the past and develop new thinkings about the nature of the new organization and their role in it, while embracing the new organisation culture and behaviours.

    How often have we heard quotes like:

    "Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change." - Confucius

     “Even those who fancy themselves the most progressive will fight against other kinds of progress, for each of us is convinced that our way is the best way." – Louis L’Armour

     Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up – James Belasco and Ralph Stayer

    As much as we might like to make those changes instantly, Change is a process that occurs over time. In many cases, we need to spend as much time reinforcing the change as we did building awareness of the need for change in the beginning.

    As a global affiliate partner for Prosci®, a systematic and holistic change management methodology adopted by 80% of the Fortune 100 companies, CMC Partnership provides global private change management training for organisations, as well as regular, public open-enrolment change management training at selected venues throughout Singapore, China, UK, Ireland and Switzerland. 

    Please join Michael Campbell in his upcoming webinars which will discuss key research findings and their consequences for delivering change, and offer participants the chance to ask questions of their own about change management.

    View our upcoming webinar series


    Topics: Business Transformation, change management