Live & On-Demand Webinars

Our free webinars offer an insight into the forefront of change management thinking, delivered by experienced Change Management Practitioners, Emma de-la-Haye, Ceri Williams, David Lee, Quentin Orsmond, Stuart Watson, Imogen Parnham-Kenny and Paul Wu.

In each webinar, we discuss key research findings and their consequences for delivering change, and offer participants the chance to ask questions of their own about change management. The webinars also include a range of live polls to reveal participants’ experiences of the topic under discussion.

We offers a variety of webinars that cater for all levels of experience. Whether you're new to change management or you're seasoned in applying the ADKAR® model, there is a webinar that's right for you.

Can't make a live webinar? Take a look at what we've got available on-demand!



Upcoming Live Prosci® Webinars

Turning Resistance into Opportunity

More webinars coming soon!


Webinars On-demand

webinars icon What is Change Management and why it Matters

Change is accelerating across industries, yet research shows too many projects fail to achieve desired outcomes due to poor change management. Watch this introductory session to clearly understand what change management is and how it sets organisations up for transformation success. We will debunk common misperceptions, discuss business impacts, and introduce an easy-to-understand framework. Learn how to start applying change management for positive project and organisational results.


webinars icon  Growing Organisational Change Capability at Anglian Water

Join Anglian Water's Head of Change Rachel Butler and Prosci Europe's Imogen Parnham-Kenny in this lively and interactive session where they'll be covering how AWS developed and built change capability by putting leadership and change culture at the heart of their initiative. This initiative was so successful, that Rachel won Best Capability Builder - Europe 2023 at the Change Awards this year! Come along and get the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insight from an organisation currently embarking on an Enterprise Change Project to build change capability with its people.



webinars icon  Enabling Strategic Change Through Learning

In this webinar, Prosci Europe's Change Management Expert Steve Ragg will show you how to put your learning team at the centre of building change capability using Prosci's role-based change management training.


webinars icon  12th Edition Best Practices 

Prosci Europe's Imogen Parnham-Kenny and Machel Streicher take you through highlights of the new research findings


webinars icon  How to Craft Your Change Management Career

Do you want to move into or move forward in the change management profession? In this interactive webinar, we explore eight essential skills for success in the discipline, along with common roles, mindsets and toolkits. We will also share research and data on the change management profession and engage participants to co-create new findings to unlock and accelerate career success. 



webinars icon  Role-Based Training and Competency Growth for the People-Side of Change

Great change outcomes take great change management. But how? Change success is achieved by preparing, equipping and supporting individuals through change and everyone in the organisation has a role to play in this. Join CMC's Emma de-la-Haye and Ian Vale Head of Change Management and Portfolio at Liberty Specialty Markets. 



webinars icon  Why is Change Management Important in Uncertain Times

Don't waste your chance to make positive change happen.  In this webinar, David Lee will explore why change management is important during these challenging times and give you the strategies you need to keep your organisation competitive. 


webinars icon  Managing Resistance

Resistance is a natural response to change and can be destructive. When managed properly, however, resistance can be constructive and improve change outcomes. we will discuss how to anticipate resistance, identify root causes of resistance, and engage the ‘right’ resistance managers to ensure change success.



webinars icon  Measuring Impact of Change Management

Defining success for your change initiative is a critical first step for measuring the contribution of change management to benefits realisation. Your primary sponsor should be actively involved in defining success and to obtain their involvement you need to be able to explain the concept of “benefits contribution” to them in a compelling manner. 



webinars icon  The Prosci Methodology

You’ve heard of the ADKAR Model, but did you know there’s much more to the Prosci Methodology? The Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) Model, the Prosci 3-Phase Process, and the ADKAR Model comprise the Prosci Methodology, which is used by more than 80,000 change practitioners around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your career, you'll want to watch this webinar!



webinars icon  Project Management and Change Management: An Integrated Approach

In this interactive webinar, we will dive deeper into the importance of these complementary disciplines that share a common objective – change success. Come with a project in mind to explore four key dimensions of integration: people, process, tools, and results.



webinars icon  The Five Building Blocks of Individual Change

In this interactive webinar, we will learn about the foundation and universal application of ADKAR and focus on unlocking individual barriers to change through Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.



webinars icon  Integrating Agile and Change Management

In this webinar we will provide insights and examples around integrating the Prosci methodology into your Agile process. We will also explore findings from the research including: common obstacles, sponsorship challenges, resistance management, and what to do differently.



webinars icon  2021 Prosci Methodology and Enhancements

In 2021, Prosci refreshed their methodology to meet the evolving needs of their customers. And while the core of the Prosci Methodology is still the same, the enhancements and new tools make it more effective, applicable and actionable than ever. Join us to learn how you can deliver results using the enhanced Prosci Methodology. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your career, you don’t want to miss this webinar!



webinars icon  Fuelling the Ambition to be a Leader of Change

No matter where we sit in the organisation or what our full-time roles is, we can adopt foundational mindsets and behaviours that influence others to be leaders of change. In this webinar, we will introduce critical roles and how they work together to drive successful change. Join us to fuel your ambition to ‘be a leader of change’.



webinars icon  Fuelling the Ambition to Change how we do Change

Organisations already on the journey toward building change capability are in a better position to meet the changing demands of a constantly shifting world. Others are realising how essential building organisational change capability is to continued recovery, resilience and growth. In this webinar, we discuss foundational mindsets and the actions you can take to fuel the growing ambition to ‘change how we do change’.



webinars icon  Connect and Activate your Change Roles

Now is a great time to be connecting with people in your organisation in critical change roles. In this webinar we will focus on the skill of defining change roles and learning how to activate people in those roles using the ADKAR Model. These connections will economise your efforts by leveraging the unique contribution of each role across multiple projects and change initiatives.



webinars icon  The Prosci Change Triangle Model: Tracking Project Health

The Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) Model is a model that shows the four critical aspects of any successful change effort and how they are interrelated. In this interactive webinar, learn about the PCT Model and how this simple, but impactful model can be used to gain clarity and alignment on what a change aims to deliver as well as inform actions to improve project health over time.



webinars icon  Five Tenets of Change Management

How can you position change management as essential for projects and change initiatives? In this webinar we will explore Prosci’s 5 Tenets of Change Management and make a direct connection between the people side of change and successful outcomes. Each of the tenets – a principle or belief held to be true – builds on the others, and together they form the basis for the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of change management in a simple, logical, and compelling way. You will complete a real-time exercise you can use in your next “Why Change Management?” discussion.



webinars icon  Building Enterprise Change Capability with Project ECM

It’s time to move out of the mindset of simply doing more change management across your organisation and start moving toward deploying change management and building organisational change capability. This webinar will help you develop your project and change management plan to institutionalise change management as a fundamental competency across your business. After all, failing to treat this effort as a project and a change is one of the most common mistakes change managers make.



webinars icon Activating Sponsors

Learn how to engage your sponsors effectively throughout the life of your project, including a discussion on the impact sponsors have on a project, how to communicate roles and expectations with sponsors, and how to enable senior leaders to succeed as sponsors.



webinars icon  How to Stand up a CMO

Building the best CMO for your organisation requires consideration for how it can fit holistically within your structure to accomplish your enterprise change management goals. This webinar will help you find the answer to building your optimal CMO.



webinars icon  Advanced Applications of ADKAR

In this webinar, you’ll learn seven different uses for the ADKAR Model. Packed with new findings from the recent, “Applications of ADKAR” study, this webinar will give you new perspective on how to maximise your use of this simple framework for achieving successful change.



webinars icon  Stop Talking About what you do and Start Talking About what you Deliver

Earn a permanent seat at the table by showing the value of change management within the context of project success.



webinars icon  Organisational Agility: A Strategic Imperative

With an ever-increasing velocity of change and greater demand to achieve expected results, organisations that develop agility as a core competency set themselves apart from competitors and succeed at adapting to continually shifting market demands. In this webinar we explore why change agility is critical, how you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, and ways to improve.



webinars icon  Developing Role-Based Change Competency in an ECM Framework

Organisational change management capability is an enabler of agility, mitigator of saturation, provider of competitive advantage and facilitator of strategic progress. But growing this capability takes more than talk; it takes structure and intent. Join us for an interactive webinar that reviews the tools, tactics and approaches for increasing organisational maturity.



webinars icon  Change Management Takes Change Management 

Applying change management principles to “doing change management” is necessary to encourage the adoption and usage of change management in your organisation. Learn what to do when the change you are trying to manage is change management.



webinars icon  How to Write a Business Case for Change Management

There are numerous ways to tell the story of change management, but a business case, because of its formality, structure and familiarity, is a very effective tool for gaining support and funding.

Presenting a formal business case for change management to a project leader or senior leader can earn you the resources and time needed to properly implement change management. In this session we will review crucial data and information you need to include in your business case to create an effective argument for change management.